Here are the top 10 reasons that Protestantism
is of the Devil and hardly worth calling Christian.
Yes, some Protestants may end up in heaven,
but that is in spite of their churches (which
arent Churches because Church
is defined as: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic; so the protestant places of
assembly will be hereinafter referred
to as Assemblies), not because of them.
1) Salvation: Sola Fide, Protestants boil salvation down
to saying a "magic prayer" called the sinners prayer.
Faith alone means an intellectual assent
to Christ, and following Christ has no connection to faith for them. Sure,
they may say this is not true, but many
of their assemblies teach it and most of their people believe it. Many, many Protestants
believe this way. Their once-saved-always
saved belief only encourages them in their delusion, and many of them who
are "sure" of their salvation through this "magic
prayer" really aren't. Luther of course said that Protestants are like dunghills
covered with snow...kind of like when
Jesus said the Pharisees were like whitewashed tombs with unclean bones inside!
2) The Bible: Sola Scriptura,
the Bible alone as the rule of faith is not even in the Bible! Protestants claim they
love the Bible so much, this is not true.
If so they wouldn't have cut seven books out of the OT!
The apostles such as St. Paul quoted
from the Septuagint, they considered it the full canon, so did the early Church that received the apostles.
So why don't Protestants? Because they
hate the Bible! The may say they don't, but they really do, they put the individual
above God's word since sola scriptura
means that an individual can interpret the Bible any way
they please. They also reject the church, which is the body of
Christ. This is why there are so many assemblies and so many contradictions
among Protestants on key doctrinal matters!
Sola Scriptura is the doctrine of demons since if it were from God it wouldn't cause
so much confusion among His people. Also,
Protestants say that they are superior because they know so much about the Bible.
What a bunch of baloney! They can't even agree what the Bible says. Plus knowledge of Scripture doesn't necessarily make one a Christian.
Knowing God through Christ and His One
True Church does though! Protestants reduce salvation to somesort of Bible quiz.
3) Protestants approve of adultery:
Read what Jesus and Paul say about divorce and remarriage. Jesus called it adultery!
Yet 90% of Protestant assemblies today
wink and nod at folks who divorce and remarry, most Protestant assemblies even
perform the Non-Sacramental, pretend
weddings, thus approving of adultery! Charles Stanley's divorce also shows that even Protestant
ministers engage in divorce. This is
heresy! Protestants are clearly prone to the influences of the world. Today they
approve of adultery by
remarriage,tomorrow homosexuality! This
has already started in the more satanic liberal assemblies, and its only a matter of time before the conservatives
or fundamentalists accept this as well!
One easy way to explain why some Catholics became Protestant is because they couldn't accept God's
word and the RCC teaching on divorce-and-remarriage,
though the Protestant assemblies were willing to help them ignore and water down God's word.
4) Infallibility:
Protestants condemn infallibility in the RCC, but their pastors act and teach like they
are. As individuals, fundamentalists
do this as well. They may say the aren't infallible, but their actions and
teachings show things are different!
Some Protestants believe that Satan created the world!
While this is shocking, and they may deny it, deep
down it is true. The Landmark Baptist, for example
claim the Albigensians as their forefathers.
The Albigensians believed that Satan created the
world! Thus their forefathers were heretics!
Even Protestants who don't claim the Albigensians have,
like the Muslims, a hatred for the physical
world, which God, not Satan created. This is why
Protestants hate the sacraments, because
deep down they really think Satan created the
world and they don't think God works through physical matter. This is also
why they are uncomfortable with
the incarnation and with Mary as the mother of God (Jesus=100% God, 100% Man, Mary is his
ergo Mary is the mother of God, of course
Jesus, with the Father and Holy Spirit existed before the universe
did, Mary is only the willing vessel
of the incarnation). Many Protestants really don't believe that Jesus was
wholly man, just like the Gnostics!
Protestants don't believe in the notion of absolute truth: This is evidenced since Protestant
teaching on the Bible and doctrinal matters
changes from generation to generation, even within
denominations! Thus Lutherans and Calvinists
today don't believe the same as Luther and Calvin did. Thus Baptist
called divorce and remarriage adultery
100 years ago, but today it is o.k. For Protestants, the truth and the Bible
are whatever they say they want them
to be; they form their opinions and then just twist Scripture to back themselves up!
7) Protestants don't even
know what the Bible is! As I've mentioned before about the canon, Protestants
feel they can change it whenever
they want. Like Luther, if they don't like the book of James because it goes
against Sola Fide, just toss it out and make
your own Bible! Thus R.C. Sproul calls the cannon a "fallible
list of infallible books" (in other words the Bible is infallible,
but we can't be sure what books belong in
the Bible, we can change them when we feel like it though) and James White says
the cannon is "self-authenticating"
(in otherwords, the cannon is whatever "speaks to" the individual Protestant).
End Times: Protestants today are obsessed with the end times, though they can't agree about the matter
at all.
Many Protestants prove themselves to
be false prophets by falsely predicting the time of Christ's return.
Since Jesus said "no man know but the father" and
that false prophets would come talking about the end
Protestants who predict the end are false prophets, claiming to know
the same as God! Other Protestants just speculate
9) History: There were no Protestant
churches, no person who believed in Sola Scriptura or Sola Fide until Luther.
Thus Protestantism is a false copy of the
true church. A counterfeit and novel invention. The Early Church Fathers
were clearly Catholic, some of them even
knew the apostles first hand! While some Protestants try to claim that the "real church"
was underground or silent, there is no
evidence for this. We already know that the early Catholic church did
go underground (literally, i.e. the catacombes),
so we are asked to believe, with no evidence that "the
real church" was an underground church in the early Catholic church
which itself was already underground!? What nonsense!
Also, the early Catholic churches couldn't
have believed in Sola Scriptura since until 300 A.D. or so not all local churches had
full copies of the NT! As for the nonsense about the Catholic church not allowing people to read the Bible this is false for
basic reasons: 1) Most people until modern times were illiterate, so giving them a Bible or book of any kind wouldn't
help them anyway. This is why Scripture
is and was read aloud at Mass. 2) The printing press was not invented until a Catholic
by the name of Guttenburg invented it
in 1450 for the purpose of printing Bibles! Thus all Bibles before 1450 were handcopies,
any books of any kind were rare because
they were handcopies. If you love your Bible, you can thank the monks who ensured
was passed down through the ages by copying it! Finally, for history, some Protestants
claim "the true church"
was found in groups such as the Arians, Novatians, Albigensians, etc. These were all heretics who
Christ! Some Protestants apologists also claim that the RCC destroyed the records of "the true church". What hogwash!
They didn't destroy the records of their
heretical enemies such as the Arians, Gnostics, etc, so why those of the imaginary
"early Baptists"? Precisely because they're
weren't any Baptists before the 1500s! Protestant churches were founded
by men, not the apostles. Finally, some
Protestants claim that there simply were no Christians between 100 A.D. and Luther.
This negates Christs promise for there
always to be a Church against which the gates of Hell shall never prevail;
and for him to be with Christians always. They are calling Jesus Christ a liar.
10) Protestants bear false witness
against Catholics: Protestant apologists purposely distort Catholic beliefs
into things they are not.
More about this now.
O.k. this
10 ten reasons is in reality a parody of the anti-Catholic Protestant apologists I see.
You folks exaggerate and distort
Catholic beliefs saying, "they say this, but let me tell you what they really believe".
Then you proceed to bear false witness against
Catholicism. The above is a taste of
your own medicine. If you can make Catholicism to be pagan through exaggerations and mistruths,
I can do the same with Protestantism. Do some Catholics believe some of the things you talk about such as worshiping Mary?
A few probably do. But equally, the exaggerations
I have about have grains of truth about some Protestants. Some Protestants
do think of salvation as a "magic prayer" sinners
prayer, or "buying fire insurance" at a revival, but this is certainly not true of all Protestants.
The above was to show
that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, it works both ways. I
do find it interesting that I haven't seen any
Catholics make the wild accusations like I have above against Protestants.
Protestant apologists, especially fundamentalists, however,
aren't so kind or so truthful